Awesome, love the Doomslayer thing going on for Satina, but can't wait for her next appearance
Awesome, love the Doomslayer thing going on for Satina, but can't wait for her next appearance
Poor collectrion of items galore themed Team Fortress 2.
This does not feel like a collab, more like a collage of whatever anybody can prepare in a time of under one hour or so. I get that there are alot of prodies about the series, but this feels like a parody of a parody focusing on meager joke quality nobody will find funny.
Contains camera filming without additional enhanced reality effects (aka no animation), just to show somebody can cosplay Sniper by holding a jar with yellow liquid? Sure it's "Everything by Everyone", but jeez, stick the normie youtuber/tiktok movies to their respective places - this isn't even lazy animation. it just does not classify as one.
Even if the "movie" producers feel that they want to keep to their inclussive standards of animation in a collab due to fandom, they could at least work out some kinks:
- give more time to animators who want to do something creative - some of the pieces felt as if there was something in them, but instead someone repeated material or removed animation alltogether. Would be alot better to at least let them do some animation, so that next time they have more training done
- whatever is the montage about, have someone take care of splicing it together clean. Level the sound volume of animation - some of the pieces were very silent, then the next ones were, by comparison, ear rupturing. Effect: not going to listen to anything, cause keeping low volume to avoid sound damage = level the sound volume if you want users to listen to what you want to say
That's about it, go get'em.
Constructive criticism bad >:(
thanks for the feedback Mrs. Mastin
Piss off but yeah I understand your criticism but this was just all in good fun. We mean nothing by it yoo. Also sure there’s live action in this collab but it’s just a shit post and most of the peace’s were animated. So why don’t you make like a bee and buzz away to pollinate another movie,game,art, or song with your tiny little reviews. BUZZ!! OFF!! ;)
grayson and pyronator u guys r dorks stfu listen to the man
we stan dreadmore in this house
dreadmore follow meeeeee
I agree, we will do better next time, thank you
Shitpost or not, everythin deserves criticism ya babies. I find this collab hilarious and love it but it's garbage, this dude's review is perfectly valid
Ya the sound leveling is a very good point!
That's my piss lol
As someone already wrote "the shitpost part of Smash Collab".
But seriously not worth watching if you're into quality.
Audio: mediacore ear sore
Video: plain unfinished drawings
Animation: sometimes zero to none
yo kinda do seem cute tbh dont tell joe-mega doe...
Thanks man, can’t wait to see at my wedding
Woah man I might be catching feelings tbh
bro im getting all hot and bothered, dont tell wanda tho...
If I wasn't tied down to a loving wife, you'd be in trouble 😜
Omg, there she ISSSS :D
Can't wait
Animation nice... but the concept is broken in 2 places.
1st: The original dance is not "ass twisting, head in same place" - if you look at any chibi character, you'll see they are swinging their hips (without so much twisting their bootie), and their head bobs too.
2nd: Movement totally unrelated to the RHYTHM, so unlike the characters in the game.
Nothing like a lo-fi singing. Smacking lip-sync, I was wondering for a moment how the girl's eyes look like
Really like your style of animation and the interpretation - that if Mario and Luigi can come down to the strange world of Mushroom Kingdom and live their life... why can't the princesses go and be like New York style girls.
Great animation, short, to the point, made me chuckle.
I like how the author writes in at the end the date - makes you think people at the 2020 are too afraid of new things to come :D
Really like how the series is going on (cathy dance).
The art style is simple enough to focus on showing viewers the ideas but original per character, very nicely blending with the idea of "2 strange guys forever enclosed in their world of selling sandwiches". Clearly obvious from this and previous strips the author is not afraid to work with different scenarios and sceneries. And the intro music is just top notch.
Alsways happy to see another episode.
He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)
Age 37, Other
IT techie
The Higher One
Joined on 3/6/06