
213 Movie Reviews

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Animation was above quite average, with all the shadows little shadows of objects and face expretions you have used. Don't get it wrong, it is nice to watch. I'd say, 3.75/5

Telephone voice modulation, sad music... that disguusting sound in the middle. I'd say you found/made good sound effects and music. 4/5

As much a humour goes deep and shallow, and as much as I believe people have the right to choose whether there is someone out there listening to us praying, I don't think this requiress an obnoxiously disgusting idea of what is portrayed here. There could be a cleaner, more intriguing and/or funnier way to show it. Without tasteless teenage sex humour seen here. 1/5

All notes are seperate.

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I'm not an expert, and this review is only an opinion based on little facts
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This trailer announces the comeback of one of the most prominent man-made superhero of world. "Batman Noir" keeps to the style of last century noir: grayish world, comic-like reality. One of the nice adds to the genre are objects partially animated to give the idea of "moving pieces of the puzzle".

The characters themselves look like reshaped shadows of themselves from a reflective dimension, which not only give them new looks but probably hint at new character traits, different live experiences that most probably already have their own dossier in Gotham Arkham Assylum or Gotham Police Department. Most of all the idea of Batman itself, the one object that already been used to show every human aspect from crime fighting, through human addiction (Batman Venom), lately the force that not only fights but also attracts violence (two latest Batman films and games). Setting the black knight in a new place might gives the room to create a different man, or possibly explain some yet hidden problems with the man we already though we have cracked.
The villains seem oddly normal judging from the looks of the feline part of the cast, which could mean there has been more work put into their history and character than the overall "pump-in-power" some productions do to make their bad guys look "dangerous".

Light bloom effects, smooth blurry changes in the animatic (animation as in "slide by slide") sequences mixed with simple object animation (motion animation) are what makes me want to wait for the real thing.

I tell you, those thing will keep human imagination running wild.

skewster responds:

Thanx for the feedback, man!

One of the best random ideas by Ashley "Zeurel" Parley.

The idea of giving a "meaning" to the Mameshiba trivia sharing, as if there were any logical explanation for this, is parodied in this flash with style.

As for graphics, the author uses several animation techniques to show all of the emotions of the characters, using even impossible facial expressions to create a deep insight into the their personality (such as insanity). Kudos for that, and the colourful and detailed graphics.

Deniz's 'Intero' Akbulut music was soothing and clear as crystal, it created a godly contrast with the ongoing non-sensical elements of the movie (which I suppose was planned, cause it hit the spot).

All in all, this movie shows there are still great artists (animation and audio) hanging around Newgrounds.com, and I hope to see more of their work in the future.

Funny and short

Graphics were as in minecraft they should be, he female creeper looked real sweet, very nice voice acts.

Just the way people like. I have one problem with my English thou, does "creepist" stand for "most creepy", some creeper or someone who pisses of creepers ?


The animation was sound, nothing fascinating but you pulled that off. Also the music was putting the right mood into it.

The story itself is a sad tale about a strange girl. It is kind of similar to the "Kidz r scarry" productions, especially the last one (same secluded action place, similar family relation status).

Very nice.

I wonder about the way you witten the very last text ( "I <3" message). Did you made a silly mistake in spelling, or are you reffering to racism :)?

A trip to freshness

While fishing for any new ideas on scripts and films, you might get interested in this light piece of work.

During the screening, the viewer can deduct the film presents here the flaws of the matrix organisation structure, that is, how the work and organisation in NASA is being divided (between several project teams). Although highly unprobable due to the security maintance, one can surely imagine the cumbersome and sometimes mistake prone protocols that can bring utter destruction to the whole project. In this particular film, we have a vision of one of those "giant leaps for mankind" gone awry.

The graphics of the movie aren't anything advanced, but that doesn't keep one from taking pleasure in sunking into the plot of the film. Although characters are giant, solid coloured birds, they are given accessories and elements that makes them stand out more in the whole film. The backgrounds and surroundings were made quite crude, for instance the last explosion in the film, (probably drawn mainly in flash oriented programm) but the artist does have a good of using certain animation knick-knacks (for instance the last scenes in space). Theoverall for graphics would be 6/10

The audio consisted of several clear, good voice acts as well as ambient music in the background that upped the mood. Some of the effects though were outbursted though (giving the "cracking sound" effect, like in the intro), but they were only a few. The artist shows resourcefullness in combining that many voice acts and composing them nicely. Substracting the credit's song (which were made by Oney - nice one man) the audio deserves 7.5/10 (0.5 substracted for the riddicule of some of the voices, ie.: "It's going to explooOOoode" byt the astronomer)

Overally though, the flash presents itself, and the author, as a growing talent on the script writing scene. Given enough time, we might be able to see something good, as long as he also developes/employs graphic skills. Now that this is said, please enjoy the film.

Pahgawk responds:

That was an incredibly detailed review, man. Thanks!

How original :D

I've never seen a flash about innocent homosexuality go to front-page: great work!

Graphics - nicely nice nice, but too little tweens - 6/10
Storyline -

It's totally gay,
in a funny way,
So here's your 9 on 10
Do make some again :)

Chase is, and always have been, the best character in the story!

I harvested so much whistle points from the review...Thnk u ^^!!

An anecdotal story hard to listen to

"When reaching for our favourite things for too many times, we are grasping our own death" you could say. This short film makes the most obscure and terrorizing show of the humans most feared feeling: addiction.

Graphic: Very good. There was a clear animation of monstrosity, good use of light and shadow and the movement of camera as the characters.

Sound: Clear and sound. Though I needed to take my phones during some screams becouse of the damaging volume it had (at the end). Full of screams and chaotic words, as expected.

Humor: none. It frightened me instead.

Violence: There is blood in there, for which it deserve 2 points, violent body reaping, for which I'd give. The last 2 I reserve for the mind attack on those who watched it... becouse they were tempted :)

Style: All in all this is one scary trend. I use to sit too long in front of my computer, thought it's not a strong machine... byt anyway, this style though damaging and frightening to some, it gives the clear vision of the result of their doings.

Do some more, in case people aren't frightened enought to *let go*

Turned into sadistic this one

The plot is really sadistic, and actually this episode is the most disturbing Rats on Cocaine up to now, though not the best (I think that the one with maze was better, funnier).

The Claus idea is more like Hitler mixed with a ClockCrew creation than a really somebody hilarious.

Lots of blood, and black gore humour.

What can I say...

Probably someone already said this, but:

Keep it coming!

He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)

Age 36, Other

IT techie

The Higher One


Joined on 3/6/06

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