What can I say...
Probably someone already said this, but:
Keep it coming!
What can I say...
Probably someone already said this, but:
Keep it coming!
An effort little bit wasted
Maybe it's just my common sense, but using great music like that is kinda ruinin the purpose it was composed. I'm not saying that such theme shouldn't be used in such parody, but at least, for the sake & memory of the composer, do create something youreself or download free samples from NG Music.
Graphic? Almost ok. The rain was kinda bad. And the there is actually ... 2-4 scenes there? Not much of an effort if you ask me.
It's meaningless. The pilot isn't really worth continuing, unless you want to spend time in front of the monitor practising Flash techniques :).
Good luck in your future projects!
It may be harsh:
- the graphics weren't bad, they just lacked any special thing. With Flash MX, you should be able to do better.
- "The things I HATE", I think I'll write the book with the addition of animated sausages taking revenge on their consumers. It's just that I don't like the non-logical and/or stupid short stories. They should be banned on NG, unless we all want to drastically lower our IQ's by just reading a front page submision.
- The sound was clear. Yet again, drop points for the content ("Some songs should never be written, so they would never be sang", written on a singers grave :)
- Violence? Naah, I think no brain can be THAT harmed to give it more than 2. Still, as damage accumulates, the mind is loosing itself...
- Humor. Please, don't call it funny. Unless you're drunk/drugged/tired/dizzied/il l or not sane in any way, stay on the right side of the road. Laughting from things like that is lowering the humor level of the NG, and it's society to in addition!
Tought luck. Just putting an effort of drawing 4-5 scenes, animations doesn't really stack the level of the flash animation, especially when you put a gag out the-place-where-the-sun-cannot -shine.
There is a plus thought: It is shorter than reading my review :)
Well I think you took it a bit too seriously :P
Serius Weed trip - detected
Well, that was pretty randomized.
I don't know how long this sick kind of humor will last. Is this really THAT funny to you? Apart from being called idiotic and insanely stupid for creating such crap? Get a hobby, this won't do.
Graphics would be fine IF not for the fact most of them are stolen, copied (thought the monkey was good). Even the ideas that should be kinda normal were copied (the FREEEDOOOM was already in a not so long shown flash on NG).
Sound, sometimes nice. I liked it on the song after counting. BTW, the counting makes people nervous, maybe it's becouse you put random high-vol-pitched noise here. Lucky I'mm well prepared for your moveis (low volume :P)
Apart from showing us a stereotype film(yes, shit-crap-joint jokes are becoming veery boring) these film doesn't have anything else to present: nothing nice about the author, nothing cool, just some lame fart jokes mixed with random flash imported movies.
Maybe you should try to lunch a full scale project on something better?
Great joke - bad idea
This was really funny ^^
The graphic sprites that the author put in the film were... medium detailed. The situations you've put all of the characters were as they were in the film. And Sonics ...um ...dance :P.. was really funny. The sync of lips and characters actions with the sound is perfect.
The sound is as it it must be, riped directly from the movie. Though there are no any ohter audio materials, lets leave the music whith a little note of 4, for the grat sync of the sundtrack with the graphics.
You know I really enjoyed it. First time when I saw the original, second time whan I saw this one.
You claim you can do better? You're talent with montage is promising. I cannot wait to see how much will you improve:)
Nice idea, I want more jokes :)
Parodies are good, if only they doesn't repeat the same things over and over. Good job avoiding this problem :)
The graphics are nice, but although sprites doesn't need alot of care and are cheap in the matter of size, original graphics are valued better. The other grahic effects (eg. explosion) were great :). And you havn't restricted your spites to only Pokemon (I still wonder where's the granade from). Animation is clear.
I only disliked 3 things. The white frame over the pokemons in preloader, the way the preloader bar covered the trainers response (fu**) and the dialog window that got outta the screen.
The music is nice. I don't now why, but i like it ^^.
Cool style. I never thought of using a granade on other things than pokemon :D.
I must say, it was too short. You could put 1-2 more jokes in there, or try to make a longer story out of it :|.
And plz, slow down the pokemons conversation in the preloader (english is not everyones native lang. you know).
All in all, make even better things :). Next time try asking friends to put your flash on their pages to see how good they are in the field.
Good luck
First the grenade is a def up item from pokemon (I think its Def up) and Music is from pokemon too. I made it cover on purpose because I'd get in trouble with my parents if I didnt.
Nice one :) I really liked the 3D graphic.
Music is nice, and also, exept the line the ninja said (couldn't make a thing out of it).
Grat idea for ninja competition! I think I'll partake!
Please do, this is supposed to be for fun, I want more ninja flash :D I think we all can have a blast being ninja freaks!
He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)
Age 37, Other
IT techie
The Higher One
Joined on 3/6/06