
244 Movie Reviews

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Before wirting proper review I gotta say HOLY HORSE ON A STICK! (I said something way dirtier but lets keep the appearance)

The animation was superb, great mouth animation, also loved the way you portraitd one of the best scarry game ever on SNES, as in more livelike version of teh original.

The audio was pretty much awesome, first I thought that you have a bad mic or soemthing, but then realised it, whether planed or not, it fit greatly into being camcorded, making the experience more realistic (as said before, appearances are important, even in a horror spoof!).

The idea itself is marvelous, the beginning showed perfectly what you aim at, the main character is drawn very clear - a man who just wants to live in an apartment. All the Clock Tower references were hit on, the music, the scissors sound, the dumb animal telling on you. I also gotta say the ending was great, it made me yearn for more very much.

Thanks for proper ending that scissor running hunched a**hole, finally someone showing how to deal with it the way its meant to be.

Graphics pixelated, though not sprites ( I guess that's a bad resolution conversion problem). Slow motion animation with big frame skipping did not make up for that neither.

Maybe it was a bit cartoony, but still, eye wound looked really unrealistic, alon with the waterfall of blood.

Also, the joke is so low it missed the laughing spot on the way to hell.

Two stars for the overall. Seriously, exercise your jokes, internet is already full of ick things... and I'm afraid even they are better than this.

AmateurCreator responds:

Yea pixelation was unintentional, just blame that on the crappy programs I use. The video wasn't meant to astound anyone but hopefully people can accept it for what it is. Anyway thanks for your feedback!

2 words: fish lips.

I love the references to all of the ideas wrapped around Halloween, especially if they are made into this goofy spontanous song battle between two strangely formed characters. Well made clean animation, light pun humour sounding like a rap battle, clear audio => very good.

I hope you won't get pasted all over by the agencies, I've seen at least.. 4 instances of "we want to sue you because you stole our blah blah blah", kinda needs a prevension in form of "I don't own these, I'm just a fan"

Personal Note:
The moment I watched this, ex doesn't want to meet, movie looks amazing, and I got a job offer.


Someone needs to kickstart this...

Good animation with big eyes. Is it me, or are the eyes a bit, plopping out of the head?

Also great audo on the music, slightly to anime like "kyaaah", but the baby music head dancing was trully awesome.

And as for the joke, hehe, young mother's these days, you'd think they text everything their child does and suddenly: surprise mothe******er! ... oh wait, no, she didn't notice anyway, too much into texting stupid things :P

Great animation, you can see alot of work put into it, from random background animations, through crazy exact lip sync, to focus on the the plans of the scenery. All this needs alot of work and planning, and were executed brilliantly.

The ideas of the beatbox battle places were also very dramatic and well though: wind blowing in hear, slow fog, moving sky clouds, it all counts as a good way to promote and make your material more dramatic, making the battle look more fierce.

As for audio, this "track", it sounds silly (not a fan of beatbox) but it is clear that it also needed alot of work to produce those sounds at this speed, you have to respect people if they can do something to that extend.

All in all, great animation. I understand the author wants to underline being creator of the series and don't mind reviewing his work, even if its an animation posted long long after its premierre in youTubs.

P.S. Could you write a statement explaining why you and bulgariananimations post some materials separately, even if you are (as far as I am aware) the creator of most of the work.

NedelchoBogdanov responds:

Hi, thanks for the comment! Bulgarian Animation are producers ho make with us two shows: The Show (there are autors) and Marmalade (I am the autor) ! Brain Damage and Balgar (which I will show you soon) are my independent productions!

Another way to fight with facebook instead of deleting it is to have totally false credentials: I myself am a 65 year old pop star tranvestite canibal living in South Africa


not using any of facebook apps. Fu facebook, I have real friends ^^

A little silver lining to the friend zone. Very nice :D.

I don't know why, but comparing to other animations this stands out as perfect ballance... Maybe its because there was no voice acting and the viewer solely focused on the picture-story instead of trying to figure out what the characters are saying (don't worry you don't have bad voices, I have bad ears :D)

All in all good animation, made it sure its not bland and left o ut the overly "lets just get over it" moments out (big +, espacially its about break-ups, GOD people do sometimes made this things so awkard)...

I wish I had a break up gal too :D


This is what a short and yet good story I would tell to aspiring scientists. "Praise your creation, because through it you will achieve greatness. Make no mistakes and do not use it for evil deeds thou, as you shall at worst PERISH, and it will be gone with you." Also pretty amazing that the robot would probably never be created if the man didn't need a body to live in. If taht was to be made a movie, I'd have the professor develop a "son-father" relationship. This piece kind of reminds me of the game Siberia part 2 (you should play it even if you're bad at those, its worth it if you liked this).

Must say that I'm not an animator or artist anywhere near this magnitude of talent, but let me tell that this is brilliant, the robot textures and details in his schematics show that not only the author knows which parts to choose and how to connect them, it also shows his at least more than basic understanding of machinery (much like Miyamoto knew a motorcycle before he decided to draw one). Ligthening effect were pleasing, simple enought and put where it should be. The only drawback I find about this is the resolution of the rendered animation. I do hope there is a copy a that with much sharper view, as much as I hope for future additions in the genre from the artist.

Perfect sound effects too, all synchronised, nothing bland or repeatable to any degree. I'd say the next step in this direction would be to *gasp* get in movie dialogs. But I hope this will not deter the artist from his main object of talent, the animation :).

Also, stampunk. Cherrio! (rises a small wine glass)

Pardon my typos.

He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)

Age 37, Other

IT techie

The Higher One


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