No, no dad I know does this. Must be America thing, no one does it here not even in euphemistic sense.
But title aside, funny movie :)
No, no dad I know does this. Must be America thing, no one does it here not even in euphemistic sense.
But title aside, funny movie :)
Thanks for watching :)
As always, makes me chuckle inside.
I'm quite positive this guiney pig (Sid?) got into this loop just because he decided he only want to pay half of the money to get a free cut.
I feel a shitstorm comming, the grand brawl of the niche artists: Newgrounds vs. DeviantArt!
Why it never ever have been announced before o_0?
Lazy graphics (3/5)
Smooth simple animation (3/5)
Scenography and script (4/5)
AfterImpact (3/5)
Waiting if this will actually start a war vs two portals (10/5)
I have no idea what will happen next.
Let the excitement begin!
Thanks for the review!
Nice progress on the facial expressions, and they move their head around while talking like crazy (is that natural for a gerbil or am I picky?). Anyway, simple, funny.
Worth a 4 in comparison to other works, but 5 in the perspective of "short animations".
Also, it made me hungry, so pluses on impacting me (although I'm on a Daniel's Diet)...
Hey, thanks a lot! :D
Great series, althrough it all looks quite depressing, the feeling is conveyed pretty much great. Through all parts you could meet most fascinating ways to show reactions to everything, characters drawn were beautiful, but also flexible (talking about style of their appearances).
If this was based on soemones real life (and I believe there is at least one person who could relate), one thing to say: redo or start over and go forward, I failed a thing or two, then realised I needed to start things way earlier, then passed and still got my goal job. Hope your with failure speeds up your 2nd attempt. School is like that, cramping you with shit just because you had troubles managing the troubles you meet on the way, so start earleir and piss on it later!
don't pussy out, stay strong!
... really?
Never happpened. Ever. And I live in Poland, the country that people think is really really poor, raised in family that had little money. Never seen anyone been so "unwelcomming" as this.
Guess you Americans are just tight-ass like hell, at least not as friendly as my people :)
You're absolutely correct.
Nice animation, point taken:
to all who don't understand => beating around a game so long it starts to look like you're trying to maim a dead animal is not a solution to life. Get a life guys. Do something so DIFFERENT for fcks sake you'll shit your pants (metaphorically).
Good animation, nice psychological attack
Damm, I just got asked by a cute girl for a phone number just because I decided to stalk her out of a shop. How can you go more wrong/good than me XD?!
Great story!
I know you make animations mainly as a background material for them, but I can see you are trying nice lip sync, so I'm gonna stay my hand at talking about your how "half-slide-show"ish other things look and watch you develop even more.
Also, give us a call after she watches that. Call me a coward, but I'd never ever make a movie making me guilty for feeding my gf a poop-looking meal taken from a dirty pavement. And then publishing it so others know she ate it. Seriosuly man.
So if I get it right...
90% of games/movies time is just dicking around untill you come to the 10% that is "the MOST ULTIMATE AWESOME EPICNESS EVER!!!!1111" ?
Poor girl, sucha low attention span :3
Walking through a mall during christmas boom will never be the same again :D
Good animation, quick to the point end, and in my opinion, a good kick for the everyear jingle.
Worth watching, lower "M" to "T", a little cartoonish heart with no blood is not that bad.
Thanks! Good point :) Wasn't sure which rating parameters controlled the overall rating when I set it.
He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)
Age 37, Other
IT techie
The Higher One
Joined on 3/6/06