
245 Movie Reviews

52 w/ Responses

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Cheery animation, would love to see a sequel.

Are handmade gloves usually so small? Thought for a moment the kid was somewhat dissapointed that they were too small for him.

Few of them were really good, fully animated (girl sitting in front of pink doll, russian guys at the end), some had nice ideas (1st one, alien boy).
Some seemed like they were inside jokes (Santa in the mall going ballistic for...reasons?), felt a bit unfinished or rush, some were made pretty fast and choppy, other seem hand animated - so pretty diverse.
And some were not even animations, just phone recorded teenage jumpscares that attempt to rupture an eardrum or two.
Pretty much solid 3-4 to some while BLAM to the others.

All in all, a Merry Christmas collab made by both nice and naughty.

P.S. Shoutout:
I'd rate the music and all that if I had not listened to this collab on MINIMUM volume level (feels like the question was a sarcasm).
Unfortunately due to the parts with very loud noises trying to compare audio quality is just not worth it. If you guys really want RETURNING people to listen to your pieces, go on and persuade your friends to try out venues that don't involve damaging audio quality. I mean, sure, you can go on with this infinitely, but that just mean they will instictively always lower volume and miss out whatever someone of you put heart in it. Feels like art cannibalism :p
Which is a real shame, it's like you get meal where you love bunch of stuff and somebody puts intentionally a surprise aimed directly at getting a nasty reaction - and you sometimes wonder if you want to bite later on.
But you do what you want, it's Newgrounds - everything by everyone. Still like the meal, if the chefs want me to LOVE it they can try something different in a recipe - just make sure whatever you put on the plate it is still YOU - don't like much chefs that throw coriander into their burrito art just cause someone nagged that it's not there :p

Oh yeah, threatening others will suuurely improve everything, especially opinion. I'm sure Michealangelo was running around stabbing around the haters. And Leonardo DaVinci was hanging his victims upside down. And we all know that Van Gogh didn't use his own ear in his auto portrait.
But seriously, I did not mean to insult anyone, it's called a "critique", don't waste your breath, cause I'm not stopping.
I wrote it, cause I believe 2 things:
- any random Newgrounder has the right to know what he's looking at if he wants to, it's called a "Review", not a "Comment" section for a reason
- you guys can do more than this, maybe not today, but one day, you decide the date. But you ain't gonna do squat unless you get feedback, I think harsh feedback is better than little patting comments, but we have a 5 star system that most use like youtubers are using "thumbs up/down"
If you insist it's an insult, check details below - and I think you mean this "Teddy" you keep writing about is the one who did the "Santa night stalking" part - here's the scoop:
- good acting on making impression of genuinely looking for beliving in Santa
- good use of night vision, or green filter, or whatever you used (me <= not a specialist)
- nice touch with choosing the screenshots before filming yourself - creepiness level increased
- awesome handling of the camera on the face, looks similar to Blair Witch and REC scenes where people give their "Famous Last Words", was missing snotty nose from "Scarry Movie" but if you wanted to do that it would kinda give away your intent (horror movies fan here)
- transition-effect between different scenes to make it look like movie is cut - good
- the appearance of Santa - AWFUL, simply AWFUL sound, drawing was meh
- Good finishing touch with the "body being snatched" leaving a sleeping hat (or a Christmas hat? IDK).
Summing up: It would be pretty good (for a video recording/producing) if it wouldn't be for that god awful sound at the end, which is irritating, because it's long and awful, and covers the initial impression I get when watching the movie - if you wanted to make people rethink horror movies - good job; if you just wanted to jumpscare someone - GET OUT of HERE :-]

I know that's just a one of the phases and that everyone in this collab, regarding of their level, will find even better ways to express their work.
Until then (and after that) I'll keep reviewing :-)


pollyanoid responds:

mucho texto

Tiltro responds:

Let me outsource this real quick, I agree with you kinda. On being rushed yeah that’s fare to understand because some of us did rush our entries.

Ant responds:

Falafel and a wiener or two

Albe responds:

But did you like the music? :3

Pyronator responds:

You stink

Syntrus responds:

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

meulinex responds:

i aint reading all that
im happy for you tho
or sorry that happened

midgetsausage responds:

look at all those words words words why won't u cut them into thirds thirds thirds

Very nice animation, a bit horroriffic, but a good continuation to the Rudolph the Monstrous nose. Motion stop animation made good, with a sick sick twist.

And you cut the joke just at the right moment.

Did anyone else noticed that female deer flies in parrarel to Rudolph while being taken into the air? She should be hanging down from his fore limbs... something must have been holding her in the back :p

Very much synced frame-by-frame piece of art.
You can really see how much work has been put into this one.
Simple idea made into jazzy background - count me in.

Nicely done, catchy music, just one side note: he's basically singing ONLY about spaghetti (pasta + sauce + tomatos + cheese), where's taco in it (Chilli beans, corn, salad)

BooneBum responds:

In the Raining Tacos Universe, tacos *CAN* have those ingredients but the main 4 ingredients in TacoBot 3000's tacos are shell, meat, lettuce & cheese. In this cartoon, his ingredients are reduced down to seasonings/toppings w/ taco meatballs! :)

Quality material, smooth animation and well rounded graphics synced with nice audio.
Also, VERY relatable video, why the HECK they add every character from Fire Emblem?

Awesomeness in it's purest form, in the best environment. This feels like the Ultimate Battle, the dynamics brought into this by every artists is Unique yet they are share same goal, stunning and mindblasting on both the frontiers of animation as in ideas and execution.


Looked funny, sounded horrible - is there a filter that makes sound purposefully distorted going around the net or something? Is that a thing these days? I remember poop-piss jokes being a thing, but not this aduo.

Animated representation quite ok

Lunydoobles responds:

audio was taken from a video online

Pretty awesome compilation, great sounds, a little bit snotty, but hey, high-school drama

Really don't see a point for using bad quality audio, but hey..I guess.. kids... love it ...?

He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)

Age 37, Other

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