
52 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Although I generally despise the idea of putting harsh noise (due to hearing/sound system damage it can do), the animation and the idea itself were spiffy. Pretty colours and nice emotions added to the GF and Dad, translated pretty nicely. Would watch again if not for the noise part.

Sethotron responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticism! I'll be sure to take it in mind.

Kid's humour, mediacore animation (still kinda nice for a startup)
Awful idea, by all standards.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

ill take the 2 stars!

Turn off movie sound, turn on original music, hit play.

Short nice animation per person, shitpost that is not taxing. Pretty much would give 3,5-4/5 when played without sound.
But horrible horrible music, lyrics very unsynced with the melody.
And even if it would be synced, some of the melody parts are making the infamous "shitty flute" sound good.

KawaiSprite responds:

Ur fun

snailpirate responds:

the music was a request from a make a wish kid with stage 3 cancer so uh, maybe watch your mouth next time 🤷

Joe-Mega responds:

Thanks for the compliments! Be sure to follow me on newgrounds! :D

LobsterMango responds:

Like, Comment, And Subscribe! :3

MKMaffo responds:

Bro put up chuckie finster under it

Bryson317 responds:

Yay sir

beenibroh responds:

you are so nice

RGPAnims responds:

stream chuckie finster

So called "shitpost" parody, low quality in graphics and audio.
Very stretched jokes about money and patreon (I mean, in which episode does it even say they want to get donated? It's in the Author's comment's, sure, but it's not all in your face during watching a movie, like all the youtubers want to "like&subscribe") and repeatedly used in the movie.
ADDED: And then I played that one episode about songs. Although still think they meant it as a joke, giving half star more for this.

It's an interesting point to ask: why a squirell? Perhaps it captures it's hatred and objectivity towards society a little better than any other human. I would suggest some different motive to that though - back in the Disney times the squirells talked too (Chip & Dale for instance), they had high pitched voice. The voice was produced mainly by speeding up what someone has said on cassette recorder. Since Foamy series are focused on LONG tirades nobody would probably want to stay to listen , the author decided to "FF" the whole spiel - and what is better than to mix it to make sense with the author's childhood liked characters.
Why Foamy likes coffee? Because who would be rambling more: someone who drinks coffee, or someone who sips tea :)?
The voice of the characters (pitch) would be ok as far as parody goes... but even if you wanted to point out that they talk really slow in comparisson to Foamy, you just made their lines unlikable... that with the slow talk makes it unbearable - and what's a good parody if it makes you hate it more than the original?

This is quarter-quality, does not gather much to make fun of from the original. (maybe beside the motion tween joke, but gotta say, still like their animation way more over this)
All in all, the jokes could have been made a tad more sensical an likeable, and there's alot of ways to pull it off, even if you do not want to relate to the series: a use of different animals, sex changes, crossover with something else, pixelating stuff has already been used but are still good ideas.

Little-Radiodemon responds:

As always, nice, the Foamy rant is nice to my ears (am I becoming deaf?).

Flat jokes aside I do find this episode strangely less emotional in the voicework. Its not bad, just a bit less high pitched yelling :) . Most of the ideas touched in the series are true and I agree with the fact some types of people should rethink their style of life or get the heck out of other people's faces.

All in all, Foamy series as a medium to produce a rant I do relate to and find stress relieving, and are a good idea I wish that will continue.

I kinda miss the other squirells thou.

Poor collectrion of items galore themed Team Fortress 2.
This does not feel like a collab, more like a collage of whatever anybody can prepare in a time of under one hour or so. I get that there are alot of prodies about the series, but this feels like a parody of a parody focusing on meager joke quality nobody will find funny.
Contains camera filming without additional enhanced reality effects (aka no animation), just to show somebody can cosplay Sniper by holding a jar with yellow liquid? Sure it's "Everything by Everyone", but jeez, stick the normie youtuber/tiktok movies to their respective places - this isn't even lazy animation. it just does not classify as one.
Even if the "movie" producers feel that they want to keep to their inclussive standards of animation in a collab due to fandom, they could at least work out some kinks:
- give more time to animators who want to do something creative - some of the pieces felt as if there was something in them, but instead someone repeated material or removed animation alltogether. Would be alot better to at least let them do some animation, so that next time they have more training done
- whatever is the montage about, have someone take care of splicing it together clean. Level the sound volume of animation - some of the pieces were very silent, then the next ones were, by comparison, ear rupturing. Effect: not going to listen to anything, cause keeping low volume to avoid sound damage = level the sound volume if you want users to listen to what you want to say
That's about it, go get'em.

Pyronator responds:

Constructive criticism bad >:(

beenibroh responds:

thanks for the feedback Mrs. Mastin

Tiltro responds:

Piss off but yeah I understand your criticism but this was just all in good fun. We mean nothing by it yoo. Also sure there’s live action in this collab but it’s just a shit post and most of the peace’s were animated. So why don’t you make like a bee and buzz away to pollinate another movie,game,art, or song with your tiny little reviews. BUZZ!! OFF!! ;)

ninjamuffin99 responds:

grayson and pyronator u guys r dorks stfu listen to the man

RGPAnims responds:

we stan dreadmore in this house

Wandaboy responds:

dreadmore follow meeeeee

snailpirate responds:

I agree, we will do better next time, thank you

Snackers responds:

Shitpost or not, everythin deserves criticism ya babies. I find this collab hilarious and love it but it's garbage, this dude's review is perfectly valid

StaggerNight responds:

Ya the sound leveling is a very good point!

Thriftman responds:

That's my piss lol

As someone already wrote "the shitpost part of Smash Collab".
But seriously not worth watching if you're into quality.
Audio: mediacore ear sore
Video: plain unfinished drawings
Animation: sometimes zero to none

Wandaboy responds:

yo kinda do seem cute tbh dont tell joe-mega doe...

Tiltro responds:

Thanks man, can’t wait to see at my wedding

Pyronator responds:

Woah man I might be catching feelings tbh

Joe-Mega responds:

bro im getting all hot and bothered, dont tell wanda tho...

Thriftman responds:

If I wasn't tied down to a loving wife, you'd be in trouble 😜

Animation/sound: 2,5 / 5 (avg.)

The idea for this collab is... kinda worthless.
Details: to anybody not knowing what this is about probably looks just as a snuff collage.
Not sure what's the reason behind the collab, where is the murderous intent comming from.
Seriously ClockCrew made more sense in their movies than this.

Intro movie was dope, but that's it

Low blow ColeBob, my momma's dead, try immagining yours like that.

ColeDawg responds:

yo mamas worthless

alicemargiela responds:

OH??? OHH. OHHH!!!!!!!!

Pretty embarrassing ideas in this collab, not to mention allowing in a guys with "too loud annoying" cutscenes.

Good ideas for animation, zero ideas for making something half funny.

EDIT: GrayAnimations made me ponder, so I'll get into details:
Animations are quite good, some would be considered even 4/5, true.

But as average the collab pretty much hangs around 2,5/5
Many ideas seem original as well, it's just that... don't get why in every 2nd collab someone has to post something like a bad or shit joke with volume up to 150% (yes, 3:15, feel bad for all people using headphones).

I don't really sympathize with the references to this "Ray" character, what's so funny about creating several strips of "let's all rip and tear Ray for <<reasons of existing>>". From what I get from around 12:12 he "does not blend" with the other characters, but that's it.
Maybe introducing him in a way that would actually made viewers seem sympathetic to "hating him" would open me eyes some witty comment around his bleak story. Instead through half of the thing I've been just confused ("why dress him like that", "why gouge his eyes", "is this a StarBuckshmuck reference?")

There is effort in it, it's just.. does not translate very well what you're trying to show, half of the things look like someone mixed snuf movies with rage criticism.

No, I don't have Animal Crossing, hate sandboxed games.

heyopc responds:

this project was done for fun with the intent to be easy and to let anyone join who was interested, not to make the highest quality content on newgrounds. if your sense of humor is really that good and this collab really bugs you then you should make one yourself and see how it goes.

topgolf responds:

eat my ass


Octo responds:

You must be gay for Ray

StaggerNight responds:

Damn dude, if you only you visited https://babyoncomputer.club/

Splendid piece of work!

EDIT: Just corrected grammar

The animation was properly looped, and the little things were appearing sometimes normally, sometimes very delicately, felt like you were walking down a magic road buried in interesting scenery/thoughts, only to suddenly stop and look around, to be surrounded by a magical garden. I really liked the snail, not sure I normally see anyone going to lengths to properly show someone how long does a piece takes place :)

The animator did a great work syncing all of the effects to the music, showing that he indeed, is inspired by it, and no wonder!

The music itself is beautiful, worthy an animation, game, a movie, a theater play. I'd love to come and listen, but I'd had to hide in the crowd so that no one sees me crying ^_T.

Overally the work of Art here touches oneself as me. Especially the last part with the "pollinating scene" after which everybody started vanishing. It felt like you wanted to symbolize a passing of time and people, but not a sad one - a joyous one, promising new Spring to come.

Well done~!

clarigaricus responds:

I can't express with words how happy this review made me. Thank you.

This is one long documentary of one of the most original creators I know, fiercely devoted to animation. Expect witty comments, brightful collage of his masterpieces as well as insight into why he loves to animate and why we probably feel atuned to his work.

I know I've turned down docummentary about Einstein for this, and I don't regret!
As always, clear voice, bold in an interview as well as in his animation. If you love his animation, I guess its time to know the man himself.

Because this brings alot of Harry's work that is not whole, I advise first watching EVERYTHING he has created here, in case you were wondering what to watch first :)

Avonom responds:

It was a fun project to work on because of the humour he brought to the table! Thanks for your review!

He who has the power cannot supress it. Release your potential creators >_< (Couse I can't ;P)

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